About Us

We are a passionate health and wellness experts who understand the unique challenges that women leaders face in today’s fast-paced world.
With our cutting-edge services and personalized approach, we are confident that we can help you achieve the balance and vitality you need to thrive in both your personal and professional life.
About Us - - Butterfly Effect
Dra. Catarina Fernandes

Meet The Founder

As a high-stress Surgeon, Catarina Fernandes learned that neglecting her own health for success wasn’t worth it. Her body’s warning signals reminded her that nothing is more important than prioritizing her well-being.
She discovered the transformative power of holistic practices like nutrition, exercise, sleep, and meditation and incorporated them into her medical practice. Her ultimate goal is to empower women to regain control over their health and manifest the life they’ve always wanted.
With a personalized approach, she assists clients in achieving their aspirations, whether they’re dealing with stress, anxiety, physical ailments, or seeking ways to enhance their vitality and productivity levels.
Are you ready to take control of your health and become the master of your fate?

Why We Chose the Name Butterfly Effect?

We believe that when people reach their maximum potential and achieve their goals, they will impact those around them and this effect will cascade.
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Core Principles

Core Principles


Empower and inspire women to transform their lives through positive and lasting changes, promoting health, balance, and well-being in all aspects, so that they can create a positive impact in the world.


Building a better world through the empowerment of women.


Freedom • Justice • Generosity • Sisterhood • Respect • Integrity • Discovery • Singularity

Are you ready to take control of your health
and become the master of your fate?

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